TheraPlay 4 Kids

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Messy Sensory Play

Messy Sensory Play 

There are many children who do not hesitate to jump into mud puddles, smear finger-paint all over themselves, dig deep into the dirt, and just generally end up getting dirty all over. Children however are each unique and different, with many who do not like to touch anything remotely sticky, or dirty, or messy looking.

If your child is sensitive to touching certain items, or in getting their hands, face, or body “dirty,” you know that they avoid many activities or even get upset over getting “messy.” For some, even just looking at something can may them cry, retch, vomit, or run.

Since children learn through play, exploring their world includes contact with the world around them. Exploratory play includes touching, looking at, putting items in their mouth, and in using all of their senses. Exploratory play does include “messy play.”

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Disclaimer Note: Before beginning any new program, activity, exercise, or make changes, be sure to consult with your child’s doctor, and service providers for individualized guidance, direction, and supervision. These ideas and suggestions presented on TheraPlay4Kids are meant to help support and promote, however, since each child, diagnosis, medical status, and situation is different, one should seek help and approval from your child’s providers in order to achieve the best outcomes and ultimate safety for all involved. Please make use of this site and all the information presented at your own discretion for the safety and well-being of all involved.

Other sensory blogs and suggestions can be found on the site TheraPlay4Kids – Look for them!

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