It’s Holly Jolly Marshmallow Candy-Cane Slime Time!
It’s Holly Jolly Marshmallow Candy-Cane Slime Time!
Making your own kid-safe, and edible slime, is always a fun activity to do with your child. While this slime is safe for taste-testing, it is not recommended to be used as a snack – if your child does want to give it a taste or a lick, it is absolutely fine though.
While marshmallow candy-cane slime can be made and enjoyed any time during the year, candy canes seem to be more plentiful around the holidays, and lends a bit of holly jolly cheer to the activity. You can always replace the candy-canes with other types of hard candies, mini chocolate or butterscotch chips. - Please Share!
What you Need:
o A bag of marshmallows (big ones or mini ones are fine)
o 1 ½ Tablespoons of oil (of your choice) per about ½ a bag of marshmallows
o 1 ½ to 2 Tablespoons of corn starch per about ½ a bag of marshmallows
o Approximately a Cup of crushed up candy canes, red/white hard mints, or the little bitty mini candy canes for texture, shape, and color
o Microwave safe bowl
o Stirring spoons, tablespoon, measuring cup
o Storage container to keep it in (just for a couple days)
o Parchment paper or plastic-coated mat or table cover to make for easy clean up
o Optional: Drop or two of red (or green) food coloring, or teaspoon of powered drink mix; couple of drops of peppermint oil; - Please Share!
What to Do:
1. Put marshmallows into microwave safe bowl
2. Pour oil over the marshmallows
3. Put in microwave and heat for 20-30 seconds at a time, checking each time until all marshmallows are all soft without chunks (Adults only please for safety in heating and handling of hot items)
4. Add in ½ to ¾ tablespoon of corn starch and stir in
5. Add in ½ to ¾ tablespoon of corn starch again, and mix in (continue to add in small amounts of corn starch until you get a soft thick mixture – amounts vary with the number of marshmallows you have heated/softened – the more cornstarch you add the “stiffer” the mixture becomes)
6. While mixture is heating, crush up about a cup of candy canes or red/white mints
7. Add crushed peppermint fun to the mixture after you are done heating it and it has cooled a bit; stir all together, mixing it up well
8. Add oil and or corn starch as needed to make a consistency you like – add oil if mix is too thick or stiff, corn starch if too sticky
9. Sprinkle a little corn starch onto the protective mat or table cover and then transfer the mixture onto that - Please Share!
It’s Time To Play!
Squish, roll, pull, smoosh, smell, take a taste test! - Please Share!
Add texture as you mix the slime up – you can add glitter, jingle bells (for sound option), sequins, mini-holiday decorations, whole oats, hard seeds, dried beans, and the like. When adding food based substances toss out when done playing with the slime for safety. Always be alert for choking hazards! - Please Share!
NOTE: As with any sensory activity, never force a child to participate. You may need to present an activity numerous times before they will interact, accept, or tolerate the item or activity. Continue to offer the experiences and activities giving the child some control as to whether or not they will participate. For some children, just being next to and looking at certain items is a start.
If your child withdraws or becomes overwhelmed with any of the activities or media presented, move on to something else! Your child may only tolerate one or a few of the ideas suggested – remember it’s trial and error and giving your child some control over what they will work with will help in preventing sensory overload. - Please Share!
When finished playing with this slime toss it out or be sure to store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator (keep for only a day or two)
Note: Keep the slime away from surfaces which could be stained or colored, such as clothing, carpet or upholstery.
Safety: Some slime (purchased and homemade) includes borax or eye-drop solution. While borax is generally considered safe to handle when diluted, some kids inevitably put the stuff in their mouth! Borax is a common ingredient in many household cleaners and laundry detergent, and has even used in bug sprays and fire retardants.
The recipes given here on are kid friendly, kid safe, and do not contain borax or other chemical substances that your child could be sensitive to. - Please Share!