Guest Speaker Series
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TheraPlay4Kids is providing this networking and resource space for guest speakers, business owners, and educators, receiving no monetary compensation for this service. Please visit any links and sites that you may have an interest in. The guest speaker submissions are offered on a professional and voluntary basis. If you are interested in joining in on this networking project, please contact us at What would YOU like to share? Please contact me today!
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GUEST SPEAKER SERIES: Click a Topic of Interest Below:
Julia Kazak is a mother of two boys with Autism. Dylan Be a part of our growing network! created SpellRBoard, a text- to-speech communication Your Business, Article, Facility, Blog or Product app for his younger brother Links can be shared here for free, sharing Jesse who is non-verbal. The with others at a global scale! SpellRBoard App gave Jesse his voice which opened up a whole new world for him.
Gabriel Patel, co-founder Sign up for the Free with Sensory Friendly Solutions “Self Care Isn’t Selfish: Join our network! Newsletter Today!! Join Creating a Personalized the Global Network that Self-Care Plan as a Be a part of the Christel Seeberger, OT at Special Needs Parent” TheraPlay4Kids Sensory Friendly Solutions Click & Go and Please Network! is working to make our Share this Article! world sensory friendly.
Chloe Pearson with Join the others who are Marta Jasinska, shares Consumer Labs Presents: Guest Speakers here! MoodMug, “Unlocking “Budget-Friendly and Your Business, Article, Emotional Intelligence Stress-Reducing Travel Facility, Blog or Product Through Play: MoodMug Tips for Parents with Links can be here with is Changing the Game Young Children” Others Networking and For Kids.” MoodMug is the Click & Go! Sharing Internationally brain child of Marta, an Share This Article! Art Therapist. Read More!
Elizabeth Ives Field, Network with us at Kavya Rath, Paediatric CCC-SLP, Communication/ TheraPlay4Kids! Occupational Therapist, Consultant to Autism Shares her published Families & Educators for Share your thoughts, work, Article on Children’s 40+ years. Author of: links to your page or blogs, Hand Dominance. Kavya “Building Communication & products right here all is an OT Graduate From and Independence for for Free! We share and National Institute for Children Across the help promote you and Locomotor Disabilities, & Autism Spectrum” and your business & personal Holds Certificates From “Meet Me Where I Am: site as part of networking John Hopkin’s Hospital, Navigating the Intersection and support. & University of Davis in of Autism and OCD” Come join us! California.
Sheila Thelen, President Amanda Lutz, Dr. Lisbet Montero, and owner, Vestibular Professional OTR/L, ASDCS, Training Services, LLC, Speaker, Editor Founder/President of Master International & Writer; with Mindful Occupational National Figure Skating Modifying Your Therapy, Corp., Talks Coach, Keynote Speaker, Home for about: How School with: Spin Your Brain Sensory Modifications Help Through Vestibular Spin Sensitive Reduce Challenges Training Individuals For ASD Kids
Susan Donohoe, OT Mellin sisters: Christel Seeberger, OT Owner Kozie Clothes EazyHold for CEO/Founder of site For Tactile, Sensory grip; assistive Sensory Friendly Input & Deep Pressure technology from Solutions; Sensory and Medical Needs; playtime to self Podcast (1st in world); Ped OT Certified in SI feeding, and Sensory Blogs across & sensory enrichment, in daily activity the life-span for home, Pediatric OT & self care school, work, social
Shelly Bartlett MEd CCC-SLP My Motor Baby Owners What is Inclusion in Class? Shelly’s Therapeutic Bean Tiffani Santos, OT and Kerry, Merrily, Wendy of Bags for clinic, home and Renee Brierley, BS EazyHold for use in play, school settings. Activities, Provide education & self care, tasks, work. ideas, suggestions for use. tips, activities, & more EazyHold is assistive Her product includes PCS for all pediatric age technology that supports (picture communication groups (infant and up) all ages in being able to symbols) - drawings and on website and social participate in functional pictures, to augment media platforms daily self care and activity communication needs
Sydney-Ellen Cooke, OTS, Kelli Brewer, guest Beverley Omsky, BMus Ed with SFS: Creating a Sensory blogger posting with H.D.E. in Education, on: Friendly Dental Visit for Your on: Combining Music With Child. Read her blogs on Designing for Special Story Play a Winning sensory challenges & Needs: Creating a Therapeutic Combination. solutions, travel & outings. Sensory Friendly Educational music based Sensory Friendly Solutions Bedroom. Create audio book with life-skill a great life resource when it a calming & relaxing themes and musical story comes to sensory challenges! environment for sleep. with sing-a-long songs.
Katie Conroy, Founder of Gabriel Patel, Co-Founder Advice Mine, Shares advice, of, ideas, & experience with sharing his blog here on: You can be here! her readers. This article, How to Introduce the How to Work & Parent Arts to Kids With Promote your site Effectively - and Learning Disabilities. and products! Simultaneously, is a great Art is a tool that can be introduction to her work used to help your child Contact Judy for and website Advice Mine. transform, flourish and more info. Check it out! thrive. Click & read on!
Something to share? You can post here too - promote yourself, your business, your product, your ideas! We are open to new guest speakers and guest bloggers!
Guest Bloggers! Read on!
Music and Art for Autism: Helping Your Child Embrace Creativity & Enjoy the Benefits
By Chloe Pearson and Kelly Coleman
Working Remotely From Home? How Parents Can Balance Family Life with Work Obligations
Blog by Kellie Brewer
Does your child have a Nature-Deficit Disorder?
Blog by Kellie Brewer
Be a part of our growing network! Something to share? You can post here too - promote yourself, your business, your product, your ideas! We are open to new guest speakers and guest bloggers! Contact us today! ——— Share the Knowledge! ————— Share and Support!