Guest Speaker Series:

Creating a Sensory Friendly Dental Visit for Your Child


Sydney-Ellen Cooke, OTS, with Sensory Friendly Solutions

Sydney-Ellen Cooke, OTS is currently attending Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, and has written well over a dozen blogs on sensory challenges, sensory friendly solutions, creating sensory friendly holiday and travel outings. Her blogs can be found on the website, Sensory Friendly Solutions, with Christel Seeberger, OT, Founder & CEO

Dental Care for Children with Sensory Issues a Struggle for All

For children (and adults) with sensory processing and integration concerns, there is no such thing as a routine visit to the dentist. Dental visits often include new sights, sounds, smells, and sensations, where the abundance of sensations and stimulation may be overwhelming.

While regular dental care and check-ups at the dentist is important to good oral health, the challenging behaviors and sensory processing disorders often make it difficult for the dental team to adequately examine or treat those who can be easily stressed into sensory overload or a sensory meltdown.

Creating a Sensory Friendly Dental Visit Requires Preparation

Going to the dentist can be stressful for everyone, even more so for children with sensory processing disorders. The noises, bright overhead lights, and the vibration of dental equipment are often scary and overwhelming. As a result, your child may experience sensory overload.

There are many things that you and the dental office can change that will help to create a sensory-friendly dentist visit for your child. Preparing in advance is an important first step in turning a dental visit into a sensory friendly one.

Sensory-Friendly Dentists Becoming More Common

As sensory-friendly changes become more common, many healthcare professionals are creating sensory friendly offices

Changes at dental clinics make include:

  • Adjusted lighting (i.e., covers for fluorescent lights)

  • Noise-cancelling headphones

  • Shaded/eye-masks/sunglasses

  • Different flavors of treatments

  • Scent-free products

  • Special staff training

Sydney-Ellen Cooke’s blog on “Creating a Sensory Friendly Dental Visit for Your Child,” gives clear, practical ideas and suggestions in order to go from preparing for the initial dental visit to returning for oral care and treatment. Her blog can be found by clicking “Sensory Friendly Dental Visit.”

Sensory Friendly Solutions will be offering a training program, as well as kits, later this summer for dentists, dental clinics, and their patients.

More Information on Sydney-Ellen Cooke, OTS, and Sensory Friendly Solutions can be found at:

Website:  Sensory Friendly Solutions

sydney-Ellen Cooke, OTS, with sensory Friendly solutions

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