TheraPlay 4 Kids

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Olfactory / Smell, and Oral Motor / Taste Sensory Box - Blog

Olfactory / Smell, and Oral Motor / Taste Sensory Box

Sensory Boxes can be kept in a shoe-box, a plastic container with lid, a tackle box, a lunch box, and so on. You can mark each type of box with the child’s name, type of box, place a photo of the child on or in the box if you so choose, or let the child decorate their sensory box.

If your child withdraws or becomes overwhelmed with any of the activities or media presented, move on to something else! Your child may only tolerate one or a few of the ideas suggested – remember it’s trial and error and giving your child some control over what they will work with will help in preventing sensory overload.

Items that may be included in an olfactory and oral motor sensory activity box include:

o   Essential Oils (explore a child’s acceptance and personal choice)

o Child safe chewables / oral motor chewies

o   Candles (not burning) to smell

o   Spices and herbs (use with close supervision and good judgment)

o   Blindfold (if they will tolerate) for game of identifying smell

o   Tasting game (is it sweet, sour, spicy, salty, cold, warm, crunchy, chewy, lumpy) where they may try new foods and textures as part of the “game”

o   Bubbles to blow in different sized and shaped bubble wands

o   Blow bubbles through a straw

o   Straws -Try to suck thick shake or yogurt through a straw (short straw, curly straw, wide straw, etc.)

o Child-safe scented lotions and sprays

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Disclaimer Note: Before beginning any new program, activity, exercise, or make changes, be sure to consult with your child’s doctor, and service providers for individualized guidance, direction, and supervision. These ideas and suggestions presented on TheraPlay4Kids are meant to help support and promote, however, since each child, diagnosis, medical status, and situation is different, one should seek help and approval from your child’s providers in order to achieve the best outcomes and ultimate safety for all involved. Please make use of this site and all the information presented at your own discretion for the safety and well-being of all involved.

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