Ideas for Reducing Toilet Anxiety and Fear
☐ Make your toilet kid-friendly by using toilet seat inserts, foot supports, lighting that is less glaring and bright
☐ To associate the toilet with the need to change and/or sensation of having to go to the bathroom, keep all items (pull-ups, wipes, powder, etc) in the bathroom so they get used to going in there.
☐ For any pull-up, clothing changes related to “accidents” complete in the bathroom – room may be tight, but the idea is to get your child used to going into the bathroom for any toileting related activities and clean-ups
☐ Move needed items down to your child’s level (soap, towels, wipes, toilet paper), using a step stool if needed
☐ Depending on your child’s sensory needs, use unscented soaps, soft towels, check temperature of water, dim the lighting, muffle toilet sounds with towels or padding, keep the ceiling fan off if it bothers them