Making Sensory Discovery Bottles

Sensory discovery bottles are fun and easy to make right at home. You can purchase some ready-made, however if you make your own you can make several different kinds, have your child help out if able, and make in different sizes for a change-up in sensory stimulation (weight, size, handling ease, travel sizes).

You can make sensory discovery bottles that let your child explore sound, weight, movement, color, manipulation, and a variety of shapes and colors, all without having to actually touch the items or get messy in the process. Sensory discovery bottles are often a calming activity that can be taken with you where ever you go.

Small bottles are great for small hands, and travel. Bigger bottles are great for floor play (for roll and chase activity, for crawling toward the sight and sound) or for added sensory “weight” input for individual and shared (pass back and forth) play. See below for more reasons why bigger heavier sensory discovery bottles are a great choice!

What You Will Need:

  • ·         You can use a plastic water bottle (a small 12-16 ounce one, or a 1 to 2-liter bottle), or purchase empty ready-to-make discovery bottles

  • ·         Make sure the cap is smooth and does not have any jagged edges.

  • ·         You will also need some good child-safe glue to attach the cap to the bottle once filled.

  • ·         You may also choose to wrap some plastic coated tape around the cap for extra protection.

  • ·         Depending on the size of the bottle you are using you can gather a variety of items that will fit inside of the bottle (they will need to be able to fit through the bottle top opening!)

  • ·         Filler for the bottles (after you have added your variety of items) can be dried rice, small millet type bird seed, small dry pasta like pastina, clean play sand, glitter) – having different bottles with a variety of fillers is a great idea!

  • ·         Using a funnel will be a great help in filling the bottle and avoiding mess! (you can make a paper funnel by rolling up a sheet of paper, or using the cardboard roll from paper towels or toilet paper and pinching the end to fit into the bottle)

  • ·         Make a list of what you add to the bottle so that you can use it later for “search and find” activities

Filler Ideas For “Dry” Sensory Discovery Bottles:

  • ·         Small colorful toys (anything and everything will do, including little cars, people, animals)

  • ·         Coins

  • ·         Buttons (of different colors and sizes)

  • ·         Marbles

  • ·         Paper clips (big colorful ones as well as the silver ones)

  • ·         Bottle caps

  • ·         Bobbins

  • ·         Game pieces (from a variety of games) including dice

  • ·         Rubber bands (different colors)

  • ·         Big dry pasta (one or two rotini or penne, etc.)

  • ·         Thimble

  • ·         Small pieces of ribbon (different colors)

  • ·         Nuts and bolts

  • ·         Sequins

  • ·         Beads (of various sizes)

  • ·         Tiny colorful “pom-poms” from craft aisle

  • ·         Small shells and interesting small rocks / pebbles

  • ·         Small puzzle pieces (shapes, numbers, letters)

  • ·         A crayon

  • ·         A key

  • ·         Piece of twine

  • ·         The list goes on!

The bigger the bottle the more items you may fit in, although the weight and handling ability also will become greater. Making several smaller sensory discovery bottles will help keep attention and make it more interesting by having different choices and different themes available for use.

Bigger, heavier, bottles great for increased sensory input during “pass back and forth” play, rolling the bottle across the floor, carrying the bottle from one spot to another, two-handed manipulation, pulling out from inside a larger box or from under cushions and blankets - think of other ways to use these bigger sensory discovery bottles!

Look for information on for making water or liquid sensory discovery bottles!

See: Slo-Mo Calming Bottles - Great Gift and Stress Buster!

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