Developing a Fun Sensory Diet Your Child Will Eat
Developing a Fun Sensory Diet Your Child Will Eat
Judy Benz Duncan, Occupational Therapist
Is there a “picky eater” in your life? Is mealtime a struggle? Are you worried your child is not getting the nutrition they need?
Many children have significant mealtime difficulties that often impact the whole family and make mealtimes a stressful, frustrating experience.
A child with sensory integration issues may display difficulty with sitting at the table, touching the food, food texture or smells, adequately chewing, being able to try or accept new food items, use of utensils or cups, being able to handle the distractions of eating in a distracting environment.
While there are many components as well as individual needs and behaviors that impact self feeding and food acceptance, this book is focusing on presenting food in a fun way that provides a full sensory experience for your child who may have sensory processing concerns.
Food presentation as part of a sensory diet is an important part of developing a total sensory diet.
This book, “Developing a Fun Sensory Diet Your Child Will Eat,” of over 180 printed pages includes:
Strategies and Reasoning Behind Fun Food Presentations
Food and Behavior Diary
Sensory Processing System Components
Visual Sense / Vision:
Tactile Sense / Touch
Olfactory Sense / Smell
Gustatory Sense / Taste
Auditory Sense / Hearing
Proprioception and Oral Motor Awareness
Fun Food Presentations for Full Sensory Experience
Time Saver Ideas
Full Color Photographs of Food Ideas for the Following:
Tic Toc Food Clock
Blue Bubble Fishy Snack
Crazy Bird Meatball Nests
Baby Bear in a Sleeping Bag
Chick-a-Doodle Time
Butter Bear Bread
BooBoo Bear Breakfast Bowl
Happy Snack
Harry’s Wild Hair-Cut Sandwich
Silly Noodle Dancer Meal
Make Your Own Pizza Time
Sammy Mates
Small Bites Sandwich Options
Jumping Gym Snack
Rocket Orbit
Noodle Pals
Pancake Creations
Cheesy Cut Outs
Nutty Owl
Finger Sandwich Options
Fruity Owl
Cool Cat
Deep Sea Submarine Dive
Bunny Love
Peek-A-Boo Meal
Sunny Day Pancake
Fish Friends
Goof Ball Friends