Outdoor Sensory Scavenger & Learning Hunt

This is #1 of a Series - Sensory Scavenger & Learning Hunts - Check back for more!

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  • How many are you able to find and do? Play & Learn!

  • Do some today and some on another day if you would like!


o   Search for a stick that looks like a “Y” a “T” and an “L”

o   Can you find a flat smooth rock? A bumpy rough rock?

o   Is there something in the park to climb on? To swing on? To crawl through?

o   Can you find 5 different kinds of tree leaves? What color are they? Are they pointy, round, or long and skinny?



o Can you find something shiny? Is it a piece of treasure?

o   Can you find a small hilly spot to run up and down? Can you run up the hill backwards? Can you jump up the hill sideways? Which one is the hardest?

o   Can you find a pine cone? Is it prickly? What color is it?



o   Can you find three different kinds of bugs? Will you touch them? Do they crawl or fly? Are they scary looking?

o   Do you see someone playing with a ball? Can you play too?

o   Do you see someone running backwards? Can you do this?

o   Find something that starts with the 1st letter of your name

o   Can you find a yellow flower? What other flowers do you see? Do they smell nice? Do they tickle your nose?

o   Search for 3 different colored birds. Which is your favorite?



o   Do you see anyone out walking their dog? Is it big or little? What color is it?

o   Can you find someone wearing a red shirt? What color is yours? What is your favorite color?

o Can you kick a small rock across the park?

o Can you find a lost key? A coin? A ring? What did you find?

o   How many squirrels can you see running around? Count them. Are they carrying nuts? Are their tails twitching?

o   What is your most favorite thing to do at the park or at the playground? Do you want to do that now? When you get home can you draw a picture of this special day?



 #1 of Sensory Learning Scavenger Hunt Series


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