Developing Pre-School Readiness in Children with Sensory Processing Disorders

—————————Updated version in color w/ 372 pages

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Developing Pre-School Readiness in Children with Sensory Processing Disorder - Updated Version in Color

Deciding whether or not your child is ready for pre-school or nursery school, can help in making your decision to start your child into a new setting. Working on pre-school readiness activities give both you and your child more time to help develop and promote “pre-school readiness.”

Pre-school readiness placement assessment to determine readiness level, extensive activities, ideas, and suggestions to support the development of skills and behaviors expected for pre-school readiness fill this book. Full color photographs, and easy to follow instruction accompany the OT developed activities and exercises in this book jam-packed with ideas you can do at home to help prepare your child for a successful transition to school-based settings.

Doing everything you can to get a child ready for the big change in their life will help with the transition period for everyone in the family.

Planning and preparation is an important key in helping and supporting your child through the major transitions they will encounter as they leave the safety and security of their "home base," and move out into social and school-based environments.

"Developing Pre-School Readiness in Children with Sensory Processing Disorders" can also be easily used with children without a diagnosed delay, who will benefit through early learning and advancement of their physical and cognitive skill base, either through individual or side-by-side participation with their sibling at home or with other children in a group setting.

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Judy Benz Duncan has been an Occupational Therapist for over thirty years. She has worked with children from infants to teenagers in numerous settings that included early intervention, pre-school programs, grade school, home health, developmental training centers, and sensory integration clinics.

Judy developed the foundation for designing therapeutic activities and tasks using interactive play and creative imagination to engage the children at a level they could easily relate to while working toward the achievement of their Occupational Therapy program’s functional goals and treatment plan.

Judy attended the University of Florida, University of Kansas, and the University of Tennessee. She received New York State approval as a Supplemental Evaluator for OT with early intervention and pre-school students, and has helped develop and start an OT program for families and children in New York. Judy continues to stay up-to-date in the clinical field through mentoring other OT students and new graduates.

She continues to contribute to children, families and professionals everywhere through her professional writing endeavors which include writing books and manuals, managing the therapeutic website,, writing OT blogs and topic-specific articles, working on "interactive story play" book series, writing bi-weekly professional blogs for a pediatric orthopedic surgeon group, a psychiatrist, and an attorney at law. She continues to be an active mentor of new OT graduates, as well as OT students.