OT Series:  Sensory Processing Disorders and Going Out – How to Manage – How to Strategize – What You Can Do

Judy Benz Duncan, Occupational Therapist

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In today’s busy life, it is very common to be out and about, away from home, for any number of reasons. Whether you are taking your child(ren) to school, out-to-eat, to a fast-food drive-through, to a play-date, to the library, a movie, or on vacation, it often becomes a stressful and difficult task when a child with sensory processing disorders are challenged by a change of routine, or a change from the familiar.

This series will discuss the following main topics: Click on the active links (will be working on these and adding new blogs so check back often!)

1.     Car Trips / Traveling to an Activity CLICK & GO!

2.     Walking Trips and Activities CLICK & GO!

3.     Public Transportation / Travel (Bus, Train) CLICK & GO!

4.     Noisy, Crowded, Busy, Events and Places CLICK & GO!

5.     Shopping Trips (Coming!)

6.     Eating Out (Coming!)

7.     Movies (Coming!)

8.     Parks and Pools (Coming!)

9.     Attending a Party or Family Event (Check back!)

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