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Essential Oils and Their Safe Use in Children

Essential Oils and Their Safe Use in Children

Judy Benz Duncan, Occupational Therapist

It is important to know that use of essential oils is not a cure for children with autism, sensory processing disorders, or any other medical condition. Their use, however, has been reported by many to help with certain aspects which include calming behaviors, anger reduction, improving focus, promoting sleepfulness, and reducing the need to self-stim, to name a few positive effects from using essential oils.

Scientific research on autism and essential oils is limited and not conclusive at this time. Some essential oils may have negative side effects if used or applied incorrectly, if your child has an allergic reaction to the oil, or if it is applied in too concentrated a dose. Always talk to your child’s doctor first to discuss any potential health risks, especially if your child has a medical condition or is taking medication which may react to use of the essential oil. has provided a list below of the different child-safe essential oils that are kid-safe if used properly. It is important to do your own research in what oil you are considering and then gradually introduce its use. Check age use ranges as some oils are not for use on children under 12 for example. Be aware of any allergic reaction that may occur as well as what effect an impaired immune system could have on the use of an essential oil.

When you use essential oils it is important be very careful as the oils are potent. Always use as little as needed. Consult a qualified aroma-therapist or doctor before applying any type of essential oil on the skin, especially on children. Apart from applying essential oils topically, you can inhale it using a diffuser as some research has shown aromatic use can at times be more effective and potentially a safer method of use.

List of Common Essential Oils for Children

Vetiver Oil This oil has relaxing and calming properties said to help children combat symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, being distracted, and impatience. It has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties that aid in the healing of wounds and scars, as well as providing inflammation relief. Vetiver Plant

Sandalwood Oil A major benefit of sandalwood oil is that it helps mental clarity, and has a relaxing and calming effect that can be effective for children with autism spectrum disorders. This oil also has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anti-viral properties.

Lavender Oil  This oil has a calming effect on children, especially those on the autism spectrum, can help improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety and emotional stress. This oil is also noted to have antioxidants that help protect the body from illness. It also helps heal burns and wounds, alleviates headaches, and may be useful in the treatment of diabetes. Lavender Plants

Peppermint Oil This oil is reported to work great for children with autism and ADHD due to its cooling sensation and calming effect on the body and help in improving mental focus.  In addition, this oil has anti-microbial properties that help freshen bad breath, heal digestive issues, helps relieve headaches, clear the respiratory tract, and soothe tight and tired muscles. Peppermint Plant

Bergamot Oil  This oil is known as a mood enhancer and has been shown to work well for children with autism. This oil also works to calm, relax, reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and helps to promote a feeling of joy and energy. Bergamot Fruit / Oil

Mandarin Oil This oil has been known to be the sweetest and most calming of all the citrus essential oils, and helps in the reduction of anxiety, as well as promotes sleepfulness. Many kids are fond of this oil due to its citrus scent. This oil has also been used to treat acne, reduce insomnia, and manage gut issues like leaky gut syndrome. Mandarin Fruit

Frankincense Oil  For children with autism or ADHD, this oil’s benefits include helping with focus, reducing stress reactions and negative emotions. In addition, this oil has anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, and anti-viral properties that can also aid in recovery from respiratory infections, indigestion, arthritis, joint pain, and can help boost the body’s immune system.

Chamomile Oil This oil is one of the best when it comes to fighting stress and anxiety, as well as promoting relaxation, and periods of sleeplessness. This oil contains many disease-fighting antioxidants. Chamomile Plants

Cedarwood Oil This oil has calming and relaxing properties. The scent promotes the release of serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin in the brain helping children enjoy a peaceful sleep.

Combination Sleep Sachet: Make your own herbal sleep sachet to assist in promoting sleepfulness and a restful night. Place a half-cup each of loose hops, chamomile flowers, lavender flowers, lemon balm and rosebuds into a small cloth bag or sachet and place inside your child’s pillowcase at bedtime. Keep in a child-safe bag to prevent any ingestion of the materials in the bag.

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The following essential oils are recommended to NOT be used around or on children of the following different age groups

Sixteen years and under

  • Wintergreen

Twelve years and under

  • Wintergreen

  • Eucalyptus globulus

  • Eucalyptus radiata

  • Marjoram (Spanish Type)

  • Rosemary

Five years and under

  • Star Anise

  • Wintergreen

  • Eucalyptus globulus

  • Eucalyptus radiata

  • Marjoram (Spanish Type)

  • Rosemary

Two years and under

  • Spike Lavender

  • Hyssop

  • Peppermint

  • Camphor

  • Star Anise

  • Wintergreen

  • Eucalyptus globulus

  • Eucalyptus radiata

  • Marjoram (Spanish Type)

  • Rosemary

Reference for additional information on essential oils:

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy 

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